Monday 9 May 2016

Photo:Chinese Billionaire Takes 2500 Employees On Holiday To Spain

A boss of a Chinese company has treated 2,500 employees to a holiday in Spain. The billionaire boss of Tiens Group, who took 6,400 staff members to France and Monaco on vacation last year, is treating his employees on a £5.5 million worth trip to Spain this year.

The 2,500 people staff will be spending five days in Spain, visiting Madrid, Toledo and Barcelona to celebrate the company’s 21st anniversary, according to People’s Daily Online.

The group arrived at their first stop, Madrid, on May 5 through 20 separate chartered flights from China. Their next stop was a day trip to the historic municipality of Toledo after which the group boarded four high-speed trains to Barcelona on May 8. They will be flying back to China on May 10.
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